Motor: Rotomotive, Italian Design for big range of Industrial Motors up to 0.09KW ti 315KW and warm Gear Box and Helical Gear Box. Rotomotive (Gujarat) plant covers a floor area of 1,20,000 sq ft and additional 20,000 sq feet for sales, production, quality, and engineering departments. The assembly lines are configured as lean flow lines to achieve a high throughput.

Rotomotive Catalogue Download
3 phase motors, 56 to 355 frame size, EFF2, IE2, IE3
Taiwan design for big range of PLC, HMI, sensor, servo motor and drives, SMPS, encoders, VFD, etc..
250C/ 300C rated motors for smoke extraction blowers
250C/ 300C rated motors for smoke extraction blowers
3 Phase motors, 80-160 frame size, Grade 2
Designed and built as per customers specifications.
Worm gearbox in Aluminium construction.
to be mounted on any type of fitted geared motor (PAM)
Inline helical gearboxes upto 3000 Nm torque
Parallel shaft helical gearboxes with flexible mounting
Bevel helical gearboxes